Rotherwas Service Station, Hereford Enterprise Zone

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Rotherwas Service Station, Hereford Enterprise Zone

Rotherwas Service Station roof solar
BP garage in Hereford solar on roof
Solar at BP station in Rotherwas, Hereford
System Size 40 kWp
Generation 35,370 kWh
Solar Panels 108 x 375W REC Twin Peak 4
Inverter 1 x SolarEdge 33.3kW 3 phase inverter
Mounting Schletter

The Rotherwas Service Station selling BP petrol and diesel does a roaring trade providing “fuel” for workers and their vehicles during the working day. The owner, Mohammed Ahmed, decided to expand in 2017 with a new larger building providing more than just a convenience store. There’s hot, freshly baked food for the hungry workers of Skylon Park, Hereford Enterprise Zone with an emphasis on supporting local food suppliers.

Mohammed wanted to offset the higher running costs by installing solar panels and generate their own electricity to power the new building, its fridges and ovens.

To capture as much of the energy from the sun as possible the main roof was orientated south and built at the optimal angle of 30°. “I got a couple of local companies to quote for the solar installation and Solarkinetics really stood out as the best option. Gordon Yule, who came out to do the site survey and design the system, was flexible and very customer focused, looking at how best to meet my requirements,” said Mohammed.

COVID lockdowns delayed Mohammed’s plans for the solar system but when the price of electricity started to skyrocket in 2022, the move to renewables took on a new impetus.

In total 108 solar panels were installed, covering the south facing main roof plus the forecourt canopy above the fuel pumps. “The installation team were professional, the lads were also quick, everything was installed in one week as planned,” said Mohammed.

“We plan installations so the level of disruption to the business is kept to a minimum,” said Gordon. “In this case, we were able to install solar panels on the forecourt canopy while still allowing people to carry on using the fuel pumps.”

Each panel is 375W so the total installation is 40kWp, forecast to produce 35,370kWh per year. “The system is due to break even in 3.5 years and from the performance over the past year, we’re certainly on course to achieve this,” commented Mohammed. “Electricity usage in the summer months was £5,000 per month, now it’s £2,500 per month.”

The Malvern, Malvern

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The Malvern, Malvern

The Malvern Spa Hotel solar
The Malvern Spa Hotel roof with solar PV
System Size 141kWp
Generation 123,818kWh
Solar Panels 349 x 405Wp Canadian Solar
Inverter 1 x Tauro 50kW inverter, 1 x Symo 27kW inverter and 1x Symo 20kW inverter
Mounting Ballasted Van Der Valk frames

When the electricity contract at The Malvern came up for renewal in March 2022, the sudden shock of a major price increase led the management to look for an alternative supplier.

The Malvern is a Spa hotel with a private membership club of gym and restaurant. Their electricity bill was forecast to increase from £8,000 per month to £25,000 per month even when they shopped around.

“First of all, we looked at how savings could be made in our energy usage. Realising only limited savings were possible, we decided that an expansive flat roof would be ideal for solar,” said Lynsey Kettlewell, Managing Director at The Malvern.

At the time, Worcestershire County Council was offering a grant, the Low Carbon Opportunities Programme, contributing up to 40% towards the installation cost of Solar PV.

“Four companies tendered and each one assessed on price, customer reviews and whether they were local; out of the four, Solarkinetics was selected,” continued Lynsey. “Solarkinetics proved to be a great team to deal with – proactive and took the time to explain the process including how upfront approval with the DNO is required before going ahead.”

The solar installation comprised 349 x 405W Canadian Solar modules on the building’s flat roof, mounted using ballasted Van Der Valk frames, plus three Fronius inverters – 1 x Tauro 50kW inverter, 1 x Symo 27kW inverter and 1x Symo 20kW inverter.

In all the install took just over a week. “There was no disruption to the smooth running of the business which was a real positive.”

The Malvern with high electricity usage consumes all the energy the solar panels produce, even at weekends as it’s open 7 days a week. On a sunny day in early March, solar was contributing 32% to the power requirement. Taking into consideration the grant’s contribution, the system is forecast to pay-back in two and half years.

“Even after installation, Solarkinetics proved supportive, helping to answer questions from our insurers and taking the time to answer any queries we had with the set-up.”

Ludlow, Shropshire

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Ludlow, Shropshire

Solar panels on house in Ludlow, Shropshire
House in Shropshire with solar and inverter
System Size 4.8kWp
Generation 4,432kWh
Solar Panels 12 x 405W REC Twin Peak 5
Inverter 1 x SolarEdge 3.68kW Home Hub
Battery 1 x SolarEdge Energy Bank 9.7kW

Seeing that the technology behind solar power generation had matured over the past 20 years, Dr Steve Hall, himself a technologist, decided to explore which were the best products on the market.  After much research, Steve selected SolarEdge based on advanced monitoring and optimisation capabilities.

Then came the electricity price rise of 2022 with ensuing volatility so Steve decided to find a solar installer with SolarEdge expertise and one that was local to him in Shropshire. Solarkinetics based in Hereford fitted the bill being a SolarEdge Advanced Installer with many years’ experience.

“I checked out the reviews on the company and that gave me the reassurance I needed. They weren’t cowboys but were a professional outfit who cared about their customers. Having a 5 year warranty on workmanship was a definite plus too,” said Steve.

After an initial quote, Gordon Yule from Solarkinetics did an on-site survey and as part of the solar system recommended battery storage with a SolarEdge 9.7kWh Energy Bank. “I wanted to maximise self-usage so being able to store the power we’d generated during the day for use later on made perfect sense,” continued Steve.

The system Solarkinetics installed comprised 12 x 405W REC Twin Peak 5 solar panels, a SolarEdge 3.68kW Home Hub Inverter plus the battery bank. “My experience with Solarkinetics has been very positive, from Gordon who was informative to the installation team who were friendly and a pleasure to have on-site. The fact that the install was brought forward so I could have it up and running before Christmas was an added bonus.”

System Size 6.48kWp
Generation 5,482kWh
Solar Panels 16 x 450W REC Twin Peak 5 black
Inverter 1 x SolarEdge 5kW single phase
Battery 1 x SolarEdge Energy Bank 10kW

Steadily increasing electricity prices in the first half of 2022 were a wake up call to consider reviewing the way electricity was being used in the home, the use of more energy efficient appliances and ultimately the generation of power. It was the installation of solar panels on a neighbour’s property that was the catalyst for considering a solar installation, especially after realising that a Southwest facing roof would be appropriate.

“After some initial research into solar energy systems I decided to approach a number of installers to get quotations for a suitable domestic installation and Solarkinetics was subsequently chosen,” commented our client. “I felt that the personnel from Solarkinetics were professional, knowledgeable and helpful in designing an installation that was wholly adequate for the property using quality equipment. Whilst not essential it was good to know that the REC solar panels were not made in China!”

The installation mainly comprised 16 x 405W REC Twinpeak black solar panels, a SolarEdge 5Kw inverter and a SolarEdge Energy Bank 10kW battery.

“Scaffolding was required to ensure the panels could be installed on the southwest facing slate roof. Installation was completed with the least amount of disruption; the necessary cabling being installed to be as unobtrusive as possible.”

“All the calculations indicated a significantly better return by way of reduced electricity costs compared to a fixed investment return from a Building Society. Whilst the initial installer’s calculations indicated a payback in 11 years this was based on a very modest rate for export of surplus energy to the Grid. On the basis of current actual rates offered by Octopus Energy payback is expected to be sooner.”

Withington Village Hall, Herefordshire

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Withington Village Hall, Herefordshire

Withington Village Hall, Herefordshire
System Size 10kWp
Generation 9,180kWh
Solar Panels 40 x 250W REC Peak Energy
Inverter 1 x SMA STP-10000 TL
Mounting Schletter

Withington Village Hall is fairly new: like many village halls it was built in 1999 as a millennium project and so is fairly energy efficient. It serves a community with lots of regular activity groups who rely on its facilities and has a proactive committee who think ahead to ensure the building has a sustainable future.

With this aim in mind, Solarkinetics was the chosen provider when the committee opted to install a solar array on the hall roof. The curved shape of the roof made this an interesting project for us and we were able to come up with a design which we felt suited this modern look. We were able to help with identifying sources of loan funding and after a successful application had been made, we were ready to start work

Given its public location, the challenges for us in this situation were ensuring that the necessary safety measures for our installers, scaffolding and so on, were made inaccessible to members of the public out of hours and working during the day in an unobtrusive way to allow the various activities taking place to carry on undisturbed by our presence.

The 10kW array was installed without any problem in April 2015 and the hall users are now benefitting from their increased energy efficiency.

A K Industries, Hereford Enterprise Zone

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A K Industries, Hereford Enterprise Zone

A K Industries solar on factory roof
A K Industries solar Hereford
A K Industries solar on roof


System Size 480kWp
Generation 387,360kWh
Solar Panels 1280 x 375W REC Twin Peak 4
Inverter 2 x Solaredge 100kW Synergy Manager and 1 x Solaredge 50kW Synergy Manager
Mounting Trapezoidal roof mount

As the premier manufacturer of injection mould plastic parts for medical, water management, electronics and defence markets, the factory at A K Industries has a high energy bill, consuming 1.3MWh of electricity annually.

In 2022, not only was there a lot of volatility in the energy market but material costs also increased dramatically. To stabilise business costs as much as possible, A K Industries decided to investigate what savings were achievable from installing a solar system.

Sam Green, Managing Director at the company, sought the advice of Solarkinetics to specify a solar system with the solar panels fitted to the factory’s roof and determine the resulting pay-back time.

With a pay-back forecast to be just 2 and a half years, it was easy to justify installing a solar system that will be producing power for many decades. In fact, the solar panels came with a 25 year warranty on workmanship, defects and linear performance output

In 2023, a solar installation of 1280 x 375Wp REC Twin Peak 4 were installed along with three inverters: 2 x Solaredge 100kW Synergy Manager and 1 x Solaredge 50kW Synergy Manager.

“A K Industries is a family business as is Solarkinetics and this was a huge attraction,” said Sam.  “In business I find that the fundamental foundation for an effective working relationship is trust and confidence with those you work with – this I found with Gordon and Jaine, owners of Solarkinetics. Their customer focused approach was just what we wanted.”

The District Network Operator (DNO) limited export to 11kWh so at the weekend when the factory is closed not all the power generated is exported. Even so, the solar system is forecast to save £95K in 2023.

“Despite the solar system being large and taking three weeks to install, the team did an excellent job, without causing disruption to the business.

For A K Industries, the main driver was combating rising electricity costs, with the added benefit of supporting our sustainability targets,” added Sam.