Annual Maintenance Check

Talk to us

Get peace of mind, knowing your solar PV system is working at optimal performance with an annual maintenance check.

Solarkinetics offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for maintenance of the solar PV we install. Once a year, we’ll come on-site and perform a health check on your solar PV system.

After each maintenance visit, Solarkinetics provides a maintenance report detailing the list of tasks performed, system performance evaluation and recommendations for improvements, repairs, or upgrades.

We’re here if you want a chat about having an annual maintenance check on your PV installation. Call 01432 861047.

Home Solar

Annual maintenance tasks

  • Visual inspection of solar panels
  • Inspection of inverter(s) and run diagnostic checks
  • Inspection of wiring and connections including those between the solar panels
  • Inspection of battery(ies), if applicable
  • Performance testing and evaluation, including the power optimisers of a SolarEdge installation
  • Carry out minor repairs and replacements, if required, with parts chargeable additionally
  • Reporting and recommendations for any major repairs or upgrades.

Solar. Batteries. EV Chargers.

Solar panels and batteries -  it’s possible to run all year round without ever paying more than off-peak. Make use of off-peak tariffs to import and store power when the price of electricity is at its lowest. Solar can also charge your car for free. Why not get in touch for a quote.

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